Several health associations are asking for the maintenance of the vaccination obligation for caregivers

France Assos Santé has just published an open letter, addressed to the deputies, to ask them to “sanctuarize” the vaccination obligation of nursing staff.

Since Tuesday November 1, 2022, the obligation to vaccinate against covid for caregivers has been lifted in Italy. France thus becomes one of the last countries to retain this measure. Even if some elected officials oppose it, no change seems to be envisaged in the short term.

The government agrees with the scientific recommendation of the High Authority for Health: in an opinion of July 2022, the HAS supports the maintenance of the obligation ” given the dynamic epidemic context, the uncertainties about the evolution of the epidemic in the coming months, and the effectiveness of a complete vaccination schedule in reducing the risk of being infected and transmitting the disease “.

But, faced with Italy’s decision and the intensification of parliamentary debates, France Assos Santé (the national union of approved associations of users of the health system) published, this Thursday, November 3, 2022, an open letter for MPs, to remind them of the reason for this obligation. The letter calls for sanctuarize this vaccination obligation for caregivers, in the interest of healthcare users and caregivers themselves “.

“Do not give in to the injunctions of a minority”

On the threshold of winter, the health system is facing a double constraint: the strain of healthcare staff in hospitals and the expected resumption of the COVID-19 epidemic “recalls France Assos Health.

Healthcare personnel are required to be vaccinated against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in France. // Source: Flickr/CC/Flickr oficial do Governo do Estado de São Paulo. (cropped photo)

In the letter, the organization recalls the usefulness of vaccination as a “public health measure” making it possible to:

  • Limit the risks of contamination within healthcare establishments and thus protect weakened hospitalized patients, the elderly in establishments and people at risk of a serious form, in particular immunocompromised people whose healthcare pathway includes healthcare establishments,
  • Protect healthcare staff and reduce the risk of absenteeism in services already under strain.

France Assos Santé therefore asks parliamentarians not to give in to ” injunctions of a minority of public opinion », recalling moreover that vaccination is « respected and practiced by the vast majority of caregivers “.

Apart from nursing staff, there is no vaccination obligation in France. However, a reminder campaign is underway for those at risk (at the same time as the flu vaccine campaign).

The complete open letter

Here is the full letter, as sent to MPs and the press.

Open letter dated November 3, 2022 // Source: France Assos Santé
Open letter dated November 3, 2022. // Source: France Assos Santé

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