Several operations – lightning strikes kept the fire brigades busy

Due to the heavy thunderstorms, the fire brigades in Burgenland had to be called out several times over the weekend. Fortunately, no one was injured during the operations. A fire in a barn in Buchschachen may also have been caused by a lightning strike.

There was already an operation in Walbersdorf (district of Mattersburg) on ​​Saturday afternoon. Lightning had struck the chimney of a single-family house. Using a telescopic mast platform, the Mattersburg and Walbersdorf fire departments collected debris lying around on the roof and removed loose parts of the chimney.Fire in barnIn Buchschachen, a fire broke out in a barn in Buchschachen (district of Oberwart) on the night of Sunday. Six fire departments were alerted and were able to prevent anything worse with a targeted rapid attack. The helpers managed to quickly bring the fire under control. It was prevented from spreading to the entire roof structure and adjacent parts of the building. The cause of the fire has not yet been determined, but the most likely cause is a lightning strike due to the heavy thunderstorm.Willow tree struck by lightningIn the early hours of Sunday morning, the fire department in Kemeten (district of Oberwart) also had to be called out. Lightning struck a willow tree next to the B 57. Branches and leaves landed on the road.The emergency services then cleared the roads again. It is now being examined whether the tree needs to be removed. Fortunately, no one was injured in any of the three incidents.
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