Severe weather operation in Glarus – Rescue workers fight against floods – News

  • The heavy rains since Tuesday have led to floods in the canton of Glarus.
  • In the municipality of Luchsingen, the water occasionally penetrated houses. Cellars were also flooded in Leuggelbach.
  • Further precipitation is expected on the northern slope of the Alps until Thursday afternoon.

The main road between Luchsingen / GL and Leuggelbach / GL was closed on Wednesday evening due to flooding, as the Alertswiss website of the Federal Office for Civil Protection (Babs) showed.

In Luchsingen, the water had occasionally penetrated houses, the Glarus canton police confirmed to the Keystone-SDA news agency in a corresponding report from the news portal “”.

Large-scale operation in Leuggelbach

In Leuggelbach the Steinigenbach overflowed its banks. 55 people from the Grosstal Süd fire brigade base and private construction companies are working with pumps and heavy construction machinery.

The Federal Office for Meteorology and Climatology had already issued a level 3 rain warning during the course of the day. SRF Meteo also warned that there was a risk of local flooding.

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