Sewing a baby blanket – a nice present for the birth

Sew baby blanket
Nice present for the birth

© Fröken Su

Baby blankets for birth are the ideal gift. But how can you do it yourself without much effort? Blogger Fröken Su shows us.

What do you need for that?

  • Two different fabrics, depending on gender and taste
  • Perhaps fleece (If it should be a slightly thicker play mat)
  • Colored tape
  • Suitable Sewing thread
  • Pencil, Pins, Tailor's chalk
  • Of course one sewing machine
  • And a pot lid as an aid for the curves

How to do it:

  1. First of all, rightly cut a pattern out of paper. My blanket was 100x100cm. With the help of a pot lid you get the curve for the ceiling on the pattern.
  2. Cut both fabrics to size using the pattern. If you want to use fleece to make the blanket like a play mat, then you should cut this too.
  3. Lay all the fabrics on top of each other and pin with the tape.
  4. Then just use the sewing machine to sew all the pieces together.
  5. The simple, simple but very beautiful baby blanket is ready!

You can find even more beautiful DIY instructions on Susanne's blog Fröken Su.

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