Sex and the City: This is how the US series continues

Sex and the City
So it goes with the US series

The four of them celebrated a great success with "Sex and the City" (from right): Kim Cattrall, Cynthia Nixon, Sarah Jessica Parker and Kristin Davis

© / Everett Collection

The US series hit "Sex and the City" will be reissued with three of the former four leading actresses. HBO Max has now confirmed that.

The US hit series "Sex and the City" (1998-2004) continues. The streaming service HBO Max announced on Sunday. The new chapter is entitled "And just like that …" (German: "And just like that …") and should include ten half-hour episodes. As the message goes on, Sarah Jessica Parker (55, role: columnist Carrie Bradshaw), Cynthia Nixon (54, role: lawyer Miranda Hobbes) and Kristin Davis (55, role: Charlotte York) play the leading roles in the Max Original series from executive producer Michael Patrick King (66). Kim Cattrall (64) is therefore missing.

The new series is based on the book "Sex and the City" by Candice Bushnell (62) and the original TV series created by Darren Star (59). "The series will accompany Carrie, Miranda and Charlotte on their way from the complicated reality of life and friendship in their 30s to the even more complicated reality of life and friendship in their 50s," reads the content of the new episodes. The film will be shot "in late spring in New York".

The original HBO series was followed by two feature films: "Sex and the City" (2008) and "Sex and the City 2" (2010). Kim Cattrall had repeatedly spoken out vehemently against standing in front of the camera with her ex-colleagues. Most recently, she confirmed her decision again in an interview with the British "Guardian" in the summer of 2019 – her "No" to a "SATC" continuation has apparently not been shaken.
