Sex lies that nobody needs anymore

Heard sex to the most basic and natural things in life – and yet people have systematically and extremely successfully swept everything taboo into a dirty corner for a few centuries. Too stupid! After all, taboos stir up Fears, inhibitions and shame. They create artificial barriers where there shouldn't be and offer plenty of room for errors and lies. Because through them everyone remains alone with their experiences.

So it's a good thing that we now understand that sex has no business in this dirty corner and we can talk about it openly. Only then we should really leave some particularly stubborn sex lies behind us.

7 sex lies that we can safely forget

1. Sex is for reproduction

Admitted: A A possible result of sexual intercourse is that a child comes out about nine months later. Apart from that, sex increases productivity in the job, is good for self-confidence, keeps healthy, strengthens the relationship – and is for homosexual couples or people who don't want to have children just as sensible and valuable as for Wanna-be parents. If the meaning of life is not necessarily to pass on your genes, then the sole meaning of sex will not be …

2. You don't talk about sex

Why not? And above all, with whom? In the relationship in particular, sex should be one of the big topics of conversation. "Do we want to go brunch at the weekend? "" Oh, yes, but we should plan some time for sex beforehand, otherwise we won't be able to do it this week!"We should also be able to talk about sex with our friends as freely as about the ingenious cereal recipe with which we now sweeten the morning every day.

3. Men enjoy sex more than women

"Women find it harder to orgasm, sometimes have pain during sex and anyway less often desire" – the typical bullshit that is stuck in many heads. Sure, if a woman sleeps with a sex partner who only thinks of herself and does not respond to her wishes, she will probably have orgasm problems and not much fun. But Selling that as a fact that we should accept as women is extremely problematic! Better, we agree: Sex should be beautiful for women and men alike – if he is not, something is wrong.

4. Women cannot have non-binding sex

At a one-night stand, women are the poor sausages and men are the pigs – somehow they can't be right, can they ?! Whether or not a person develops feelings after an ONS depends less on gender than on the attitude with which they approach the matter, the phase of life they are in, the way in which sex was practiced, etc., etc.

5. Virginity is sacred

Women in particular are often instructed that they must wait for "the right person" for the first time and that they shouldn't give up their virginity lightly. Counterproposal: Why don't we just let young women know that they are just having a little sex for the first time more mature and experienced makes – but not to a more valuable or less person!

6. Those who wait a long time are prudish

A newer, but no less false, sex lie: If you lose your virginity much later than the average or if you "long" forego sex in a new relationship, you will soon be labeled a prude. But aren't people who don't eat chocolate every day automatically no gourmet? Maybe they like to go to the sauna or love being outdoors! We all have different needs and ways of life and we should accept and respect without judging. "Anders" is also such a wonderful word because you can't increase it …

7. The more openly a person deals with his sexuality, the more confident he is

Sex is (hopefully) not a taboo (anymore) – but still for some something intimate and private. In other words: if you want, you can talk to anyone who likes to listen, if you don't want to, you don't have to. Ideally, nobody has the feeling that they have to force something, and nobody feels the need to suppress something.