Sex: This guide gives you an orgasm at night

March 31, 2020

Sleep orgasm

Who does not know the comforting feeling of waking up well rested from a beautiful dream? We can top it off – because how about if you were woken up by an orgasm instead? Wet dreams are always attributed to men only. In the process, erotic thoughts also sneak into the dream world at night. However, they rarely reach orgasm. Too bad, isn't it?

We have instructions for a sleep orgasm for you. Because with a few simple tricks you should be able to learn to make your dreams hot. All it takes is a little preparation:

  • Listen to an erotic story before bed. It can be a podcast or an audio book. The important thing is: you should like it.
  • Let your imagination play and allow yourself to immerse yourself in the role of the protagonist – with whoever as a partner, there are no taboos!
  • Fall asleep slowly … on your stomach! If you clamp the blanket between your legs and hug it, you should be in the ideal position for a nightly surprise.


Quarantine sex

At the time of the corona crisis, couples living together now spend much more time together than they are actually used to. Other social contacts disappear, suddenly there is only the partner – and both of them may also be sitting in the home office. It is hardly surprising that the quarantine also affects sex life. We reveal three sex types in which many couples are caught …

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