Sex: What happens if you have sex 3 times a week


Yes – sex strengthens the immune system!

In winter – and especially at current times – we want to strengthen our immune system. And we can easily combine that with a little loveā€¦ Yes, really! Researchers found in a study that regular sex strengthens the immune system.

What does that mean? A lot of germs are inevitably exchanged during sexual intercourse because we get very close to another person. These activate our immune cells – which train them. So it's like a little workout for our immune system.

It goes without saying that contraception should of course still be taken into account, we don't want to catch any venereal diseases, we just want to practice to be prepared for dangerous pathogens.

By the way, further examinations also revealed the optimal number for this: If you want to strengthen your immune system, you should disappear in the sheets three times a week. Sex on prescription? Well, that's good news!


3 sex positions against boredom

There is a time ahead of us in which we should spend a lot of time at home – and prefer to avoid events. So: a time to make yourself comfortable. We have three sex positions for you, with which you and your partner will definitely not get bored – and you will even really enjoy your time at home …

  1. The lotus: Your partner sits cross-legged, you take a seat on his lap and loop your legs around his waist. Look deeply into your eyes again, take your time and try to keep eye contact as it slowly penetrates you.
  2. The Candle 2.0: Would you like some yoga? Then let's go: You stretch your legs to the ceiling like in a candle, lift your buttocks up with your hands. Your partner kneels in front of you and penetrates you. You can support your feet on his chest, he supports you with your hands on your hips. P.S .: The G-spot should be particularly stimulated here …
  3. The elephant: Pure relaxation! You lie on your stomach, your partner lies above you and penetrates you from behind. If you put a pillow under your pelvis, all you have to do is wait for the orgasm …

Have fun! And if the three of you are not enough, we have even more comfortable sex positions for you …

Sex industry benefits from corona pandemic

The new type of corona virus changes our everyday life – and with it our sex life. After all, the erotic industry is benefiting from the pandemic. How does that come?

The portal "" has reported increasing purchase figures in the porn sector. "It seems that in times of crisis, users also secure media that can be played without the Internet and in quarantine," says the press release. In Italy and North Rhine-Westphalia in particular, purchases of erotic videos on demand, DVDs and downloads even tripled. Well, does anyone want to beautify the time at home ?!

Well, hamsters are not just about noodles and the like. Here, by the way, we have the official list of hamster purchases for you again – without pornography.


Oh yes …

What does the background noise of your love life look like? If you like to moan, it will be exciting now: British researchers have dedicated themselves to the real causes of female sex sounds. They were somehow … less beautiful:

  • 92 percent of the respondents groan for the partner – to give him confirmation
  • 87 percent also stated that they only moan to accelerate ejaculation

The researchers were less able to establish a connection between moaning and female orgasm, but much more between sounds and male ejaculation. In this respect, women – whether consciously or subconsciously – seem to use their voice much more to end the act – or to make their partner happy. The orgasm of the woman, however, happens rather quietly and secretly, according to the participants …

Do you agree? ?

An orgasm is not always nice

He is considered the non-plus-ultra of a perfect love life, is used as a yardstick for good sex – and is often faked. When it comes to lust and passion, the jump to orgasm is not far. "And, did you come?" Is the common sex evaluation question. But a "yes" does not always mean that you really enjoyed the act of love.

Because the result of a study published by "Archives of Sexual Behavior" is "negative orgasm". In short, a climax that happens during consensual sex does not have to be a positive experience. You can still feel much more uncomfortable and bad after the act – for example, if the sex emerged consensually, but under pressure or out of a sense of duty. Or if those affected felt pressured to have an orgasm now. Then it can actually take place mechanically, but it doesn't feel good.

Negative orgasms have been shown to have a negative impact on relationships, sexuality, or mental health, even in the long term.

So: no more orgasm pressure. Let us finally free ourselves – from the feeling of having to come and not being able to, of the sense of duty to have sex when we are actually not in the mood. Because the act of love should actually be something that relaxes us – and does not tense up.


Chat with sex outlook

Fast forward once, take a look into the future and know immediately how things could go on after the date with a potential partner … Well, at least an American study provides an interesting approach. According to the chat history, you should be able to see how high the chances of a date – and of sex! – stand.

For the study of 5,600 singles, researchers from the University of Indiana and Chicago have come together and found interesting results. In fact, a detail in the chat between potential partners should reveal how to proceed. Emojis!

The more emojis are used in the chat history, the greater the chance of a date and even sex should be. So: Sometimes pictures – or emojis – say more than words … But before you get started, be aware: Some emojis have a completely different meaning than we think. ?

Corona and sex: do they go together?

We prefer not to shake hands, we don't hug each other – the corona virus has arrived in our everyday lives. But what about our beds? Can I still have sex in times of corona panic? Or rather: do I want?

First of all: what you do how and with whom in your bedroom, you alone allow. So you can of course continue to have sex. However, today we would think less about "whether" than "with whom".

In principle, the following applies: So far, sexual intercourse per se should not be regarded as a means of transmission, but it is not entirely certain. Of course, sex can still infect you with the corona virus, both from saliva and from viruses on your hands. Even if you do not kiss, you inevitably come very close – and the viruses can jump from one to the other while you are busy.

In the end, everyone has to assess their personal risk for themselves – but with "casual" sex and one-night stands, the risk of infection is currently greater than in a partnership. Unless you simply add a corona catalog to common dating questions, according to the motto: Have you recently been in a risk country? Do you have a fever? Did you have contact with sick people? Then the sexual tension is over anyway.


Country comparison sex

Well, vacation already booked? We would have a little inspiration for you – at least if it is going to be hot. And no, we're not just talking about temperatures, but above all about bed habits.

Thankfully, Statista has looked at the "average number of sex acts per week" in a country comparison. And so much can be revealed: Germany is not doing very well. But let's start with the leaders:

  • 1st place: Greece with 3.2 times sex per week
  • 2nd place: Brazil with 2.8 times a week
  • 3rd place: Russia with 2.7 sex acts a week

For comparison: the Germans only rank 14th in this statistic, they should jump to bed with their loved one on average 2.2 times a week. Well, we're still at a good level – in Japan they only came to 0.9 times.

Wait honey, two more minutes …

Too little or too much information: When it comes to sex, minds split. While some would like to play mice in someone else's bed, others want to keep their love life strictly private. But: We are all a bit curious. And luckily there are researchers who do the asking for us.

So how long does a sexual act last? To find out, scientists asked a total of 500 couples of different nationalities to document their sex lives. Armed with a stopwatch, they should record how long their sex lasted. The result: 5.4 minutes.

So that's how long the good old average sex lasts. But honestly: Who wants average sex? The study has an even more exciting result: The data submitted ranged from 33 seconds to 44 minutes.

And that shows us: sex is not average and statements about the most beautiful thing are not generally valid. Our conclusion is: Good sex lasts as long as it feels good for both partners. Whether quickie or slow sex – it's all in the mix.

Sources used: The Conversation, statista, Kinsey Institute, Lake Forest College,, Front Immunol