Sexism in the workplace: tell us your story

Sexism in the workplace – how did you deal with it?

© Peter Atkins / Adobe Stock

Sexism affects us all – whether we experience it ourselves or know of others who are treated sexistically. We would like to offer a platform to women who have resisted sexist acts in the workplace.

A clear remark, an inappropriate message, an unwanted hug: The #MeToo debate at the latest has shown what women have had to endure at work for years. But there are always stories of women who have not put up with such treatment. Who stood up, raised their voices and took a stand against the sexualization of women. We would like to give these women a platform here – for all those who are not yet standing, who are still silent.

Sexism is everywhere – but many do nothing

Sexism is everywhere: According to a study of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, 18 percent of those surveyed observe sexist acts (structural disadvantages, verbal or physical violence, discrimination, etc.) against women on a weekly basis, more than two thirds (68 percent) have experienced sexism against women overall.

Women in Germany regularly experience sexism and sexual harassment both in their private lives and at work, whereby the workplace is a delicate place in that (patriarchal) power structures give people the feeling that they are helplessly at the mercy of the situation. According to a study by the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency, approximately every tenth woman (13 percent) has been sexually harassed at work in the last three years.

“Although the harassment is almost always perceived as humiliating, threatening or psychologically stressful, many employees do nothing about it,” says the anti-discrimination agency. For example, employees often do not know how their superiors would deal with the information.

Tell us your experience

Many of those affected know the feeling of being alone with the situation, of being unable to do anything, of being helpless in the face of the experience. But there are: Women who say something, who do something – who are a role model for all of us. We would like to address these people with our appeal and give them a voice. Anonymously, of course.

What did you do when you experienced sexism in your workplace?

It is not important whether these are supposedly “big” gestures that have changed the company from the ground up. Every action – no matter how “small” it may seem at first glance – is important because it can mean everything to another person. It should be about inspiring, giving courage. Because nobody is alone with these experiences.

We want to collect the submitted experiences in an article on – anonymously, of course, we do not use names or only the first letter of your first name, your age and, if you wish, the industry in which you work. You alone determine the degree of anonymization.

Write to us at [email protected] with the subject “Sexism at work: My experience”. We look forward to every email and will give you feedback on how and when we will record your experiences editorially – we ask for your understanding, however, that it may take some time before you hear from us. Please also note that we check the submitted texts and reserve the right to publish them. Thanks very much!

Sources used: antidiscrimination,,


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