Sexual harassment: a preliminary investigation opened against Pierre Ménès following the report of seven former colleagues

After the testimonies of seven former colleagues of Pierre Ménès last summer, then the report of the Hauts-de-Seine Labor Inspectorate in December, a preliminary investigation is finally opened against the former star consultant of Canal + for “harassment sexual”.

The consequences of the resounding documentary of Marie portolano, baptized “I’m not a slut, I’m a journalist” and broadcast for the first time on March 21, 2021 on Canal +, today result in a legal action targeting Pierre Menès. As AFP indicated this Thursday, January 6, the Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine) public prosecutor’s office opened a preliminary investigation on Tuesday 4, which aims to define the precise acts and responsibilities of the former sports consultant of the encrypted channel following a series of accusations of sexual assault. The file is in the hands of investigators from the Brigade for the repression of delinquency against people (BRDP).

Seven employees denounce “sexual harassment”

The procedure was initiated on December 17, after the Hauts-de-Seine Labor Inspectorate made a report. This was also based on an internal report to the Canal group, written during last summer, and compiling a set of testimonies against the spouse of Mélissa Acosta. What would the original document of this investigation contain within the editorial staff of the audiovisual group? Accusations of “sexual harassment” from seven employees, some of whom, however, are no longer within the walls. All of them worked alongside Pierre Ménès. It would be both men and women.

Isabelle Moreau and Marie Portolano testified in particular

One would count in particular the testimony of Isabelle Moreau, former chronicler of the Football Club Channel, who had been kissed against her will and on the air by her colleague during a program. It also figures that of Marie portolano, former columnist of the band also, who had notably been lifted the skirt in public in 2016. The companion of the actor Grégoire Ludig affirmed last May with the Figaro that she deeply regretted the situation in which Pierre Ménès now found himself following his documentary. “I never wanted this”, she indicated. Remember that he will also be tried on June 8 in another case of alleged sexual assault, which allegedly occurred last November at the Parc des Princes.

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