Shaping eyebrows: This is how it works

Shape eyebrows
The perfect eyebrows for your face


Do you want to shape your eyebrows but don’t know exactly how? We’ll show you which shape suits your face and how you can best get your brows plucked.

Eyebrows are important to our face because they have more power than we give them credit for. A good brow structures the face and allows the advantages to be emphasized even better.

Shaping eyebrows: What you should know

If you want to shape your eyebrows, the most important thing is to pay attention to them Proportions to pay attention. How long can they be and what width is best? This is very individual and depends on your facial features. Here’s how to find the perfect length for your brow: Place the end of a thin ruler or pencil on the side of your nose and the other end on the inner corner of your eye. The resulting line shows you the beginning of your eyebrow. Now place the end again on the wing of your nose and place the other end on the outer corner of your eye. So you have this end of your brow determined and thereby also determines the entire length. Now this one follows highest point of your brow, the arc. You can find out where it should be again using the ruler, which is placed from the side of the nose over the pupil to the eyebrow while you look straight ahead. Now you have determined the placement of your eyebrow tip.

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When it comes to width, you go by feel. If your brows are naturally full, they don’t need to be reduced. Just make sure you have a nice, defined arc.

How can I shape my eyebrows?

There are several ways you can get your eyebrows into the shape you want:

Which eyebrow shape suits my face?

Eyebrows give the face structure. That’s why there is an ideal eyebrow shape for every face shape.

Shape and define eyebrows

The eyebrows are shaped, now they still need to be defined? That’s not a problem, because thanks to the beauty industry there are now enough tools that can help with shape and color:

Fuller eyebrows thanks to serum?

We’ve been using them for eyelashes for a long time, but now it’s the turn of eyebrows. Because you can also stimulate more growth if you use the right eyebrow serum. What is important is consistency and patience. Like eyelash serums, those for the eyebrows usually work after four to six weeks. You can then expect fuller eyebrows. If they become longer, comb the brows upwards at an angle and trim them with small scissors.

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