Sharon Battiste: That makes a good relationship for Bachelorette 2022

Bachelorette 2022
Sharon Battiste reveals what makes a good relationship for her

Sharon Battiste will distribute the roses as “Bachelorette” from June 15, 2022.

© RTL / René Lohse

Former “Cologne 50667” star Sharon Battiste is the new Bachelorette. BRIGITTE tells the 30-year-old how the participants of the RTL dome show can win her heart.

“The Bachelorette” starts the ninth season (every Wednesday, 8:15 p.m., RTL). With Sharon Battiste, 30, however, no stranger goes to the RTL dome show. The 30-year-old with Jamaican and German roots has already appeared in the TV format “Köln 50667”. Now she is finally leaving her soap role behind and looking for great love. In the BRIGITTE interview, she reveals what it looks like for Sharon and what qualities of the candidates particularly touched her during her dating time in Thailand.

BRIGITTE: How excited are you before the first episode?

Sharon Battista: In fact, I’m more excited. The trip was super exciting – the trip of my life. And watching it now is going to be really, really nice. Because I’ve always wanted to know what it’s like for a man to date me!

You will find out in the first episode at the latest. and what was it for you to date in this special way?

I really enjoyed it. There is also a lot to learn about yourself. The 20 men are all really different. And that’s when you really realize what’s important to you.

And what is most important to you in men?

I need a man I can feel safe with, who gives me support. And now not in the physical sense, big and strong, but simply an attentive, loyal, loving man.

If these attributes are given, is kissing then also on the first date?

So basically I don’t have to kiss directly. But if it fits, I also approach someone.

You shaved your hair because of your circular hair loss. Has that changed you?

Exactly, because of my alopecia areata I decided to wear my hair very short and I’ve been super happy ever since. Now I can reinvent myself with wigs and slip into a different role every day.

Is that how you deal with compliments? And what was the nicest first compliment from one of the candidates?

Compliments are always nice. But I remember a statement that I had a great charisma and I took the excitement out of men. And that made me very happy. Of course, when you get a compliment for your character, it gets under your skin.

When compliments turn into love, where do you see yourself with your partner in the future?

Marriage and children are my wishful thinking. I’d like to take my time, but I know I want to get married. So starting my own family would be a dream.


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