Shawne Fielding and Patrick Schöpf: So amicably they have now separated

After seven years together, Shawne Fielding and Patrick Schöpf have decided to go their separate ways in the future. But not quite.

Belated "summer home of the stars" curse? Shortly after the separation from Andrej Mangold (33) and Jennifer Lange (27), Shawne Fielding (51) and Patrick Schöpf (51) have announced their love-off. However, the separation is going well, as Fielding writes on Instagram.

On her account, the model found conciliatory words for the end of love after such a long time. It was decided to part "with respect and friendship for good". Now begin a new phase in life in which the two want to remain on friendly terms. They are still a good team, which is why joint events and invitations should not be a problem.