she confides in her endometriosis

The actress is expecting her first child, a victory for Emma Roberts who has long suffered from infertility issues due to endometriosis.

Emma Roberts and her partner Garrett Hedlund will soon become parents. A new step for the actress who has engaged in an exclusive interview for the next issue of Cosmopolitan.

This pregnancy is a victory in the face of the disease, endometriosis, which she has suffered from since adolescence. “A few years ago, I learned that I had undiagnosed endometriosis since I was a teenager. I've always had cramps and debilitating periods, so bad that I would miss school and later had to cancel meetings ”, remembers the young woman. Under the advice of her doctor, she had to freeze oocytes to optimize her chances of conceiving. “I was told, 'You should probably freeze your eggs or look for other options.' And I said, "I'm working right now. I don't have time to freeze my eggs." But to be honest, I was also terrified to go through this and find out, maybe, I couldn't have children … I finally froze my eggs, which was a difficult process ”, says the actress of American Horror Story.

Unexpected pregnancy

As the couple began to lose hope, the young woman finally got pregnant. “The moment I stopped thinking about it, I got pregnant. But even then, I didn't want to hope too quickly because things can go wrong when you're pregnant. This is something you don't see on Instagram. So I kept it to myself, my family and my partner, not wanting to make big plans if it didn't work out. This pregnancy made me realize that the only plan you can have is plan at all ”, concludes the actress.

A great victory!

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