She falls into a pond on a golf course and dies in excruciating pain

While playing golf, an American from Florida fell into a pond. His body was found next to two alligators…

A woman died on Friday July 15 while playing golf near her home. in Sarasota County, Florida. After falling into a pond, this American was attacked by two alligators. “While she was in the water, two alligators were seen next to the victim and they immediately grabbed her”, revealed the county sheriff to explain the circumstances of this dramatic death. The two alligators were immediately nabbed by a Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission specialist so local police could investigate.

An autopsy of the body of the victim, whose identity has not been revealed, must reveal, in the coming hours, the exact causes of death and the involvement or not of the two alligators found next to the body of the American. Three hypotheses are currently being studied by the investigators: death following the fall, drowning or death linked to the attack of the two animals. As a reminder, since 1948, according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, there have only been 26 dead linked to alligator attacks in Florida.

Alligator attack: a tragedy avoided in a Utah zoo

A tragedy linked to alligators was averted at a Utah zoo in August 2021. A Scales and Tails employee was attacked by an animal as she was about to feed it. The facts took place under the eyes of the public, and were filmed by a witness. As the caretaker was talking about the alligator to a group of adults and children, the animal stirred and rushed at her. The latter tried to calm the animal and soothe it, while closing its mouth with her hand as she learned.

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