she gives birth in her car in the middle of the emergency services, just after the tragedy

On Wednesday June 21 in Paris, an explosion shook the 5th arrondissement of Paris. A woman gave birth among the debris.

The images went around the world. A violent explosion destroyed a building on rue Saint-Jacques Wednesday, June 21 at the end of the afternoon. But if the drama marked the spirits in this opulent street of the capital, a happy event, an unusual childbirth, came to lighten the evening a little. Immediately after the explosion, numerous emergency vehicles arrived on the scene to assist the victims. While they were in the middle of the debris, two police officers saw a visibly panicked man running towards them.

The latter warned them that his pregnant wife was currently giving birth in her car a few meters away, and they didn’t have time to get to the maternity ward. The police therefore went to help the young woman who gave birth to a baby boy in her vehicle, a few meters from the site of the explosion. An eventful birth with a happy outcome of which the little family should keep a very striking memory. THE perfectly healthy baby and the slightly shaken mother were then taken to hospital closest by firefighters. The Paris police headquarters wanted to report the event on social networks “Despite the context, rue Saint-Jacques, a happy event occurred”.

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A dramatic explosion in the heart of Paris

The explosion, the origin of which is still unknown, left around fifty people injured, six of them seriously. Dozens of people have been relocated. A wife is missing again. She is in her fifties, a sewing teacher at the “Paris American Academy”, a school of fashion and design housed in the building at 277 rue Saint-Jacques. The lessons were over at the time of the explosion. Without what the balance sheet could have been much heavier. For the moment, the lead favored by the investigators is that of a accidental gas leak.

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Loïse is addicted to current affairs, to TV series which she consumes whenever she has the time, to comics, to running which she practices whether it rains or snows, and…

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