she gives less than reassuring news about her state of health

In the columns of Le Figaro, this Saturday February 10, Françoise Hardy spoke with emotion about her illness. For several months, the 80-year-old artist has been very weakened and is going through very complicated times.

For several years, Françoise Hardy has been confronted with illness. The artist suffers from pharyngeal cancer. While she celebrated her 80th birthday on January 17, she is very weakened. “The forty-five radiotherapies that were sent to me from left to right, from the bottom of the head, and the ten others from top to bottom, destroyed what allows me to irrigate the mouth, the throat, the nose , ears, eyes and scalp. I’ll let you imagine the incurable problems this poses.”, she confided in April 2023 on RTL. In an interview with Le Figaro, this Saturday, February 10, the singer spoke once again about her state of health. “My state of health and exhaustion, who has much worse since the last radiotherapy by the end of 2023, is unbearable”she revealed.

Faced with the ordeal she has been experiencing for several years, François Hardy decided to send a letter to Emmanuel Macron last December in which she spoke out in favor of euthanasia. “As you know, a large majority of people want the legalization of euthanasia. We all count on your empathy and hope that you will allow the French people who are very sick and without hope of getting better to stop their suffering when they know thatthere is no longer any relief possible”, she said. Upsetting comments which sparked a wave of reactions.

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“I think she doesn’t deserve an ending like that”

For his part, Etienne Daho, François Hardy’s friend, spoke of his suffering in the show As an asidebroadcast on Canal+ on Monday January 15. “It’s very hard not to be able to do anything to relieve your suffering, it’s very difficult… I think she doesn’t deserve an ending like that, really, a person doesn’t deserve an ending like that. She is in pain which pains me greatly.” he explained. For her part, Line Renaud gave her support to Françoise Hardy during an interview for LCI. “We have to help him. I understand her, and if I were her, I would ask to leave as quickly as possible as she asks. It’s impossible to suffer, to be in pain, to take medicine that doesn’t help her, so we have to let her go.”she concluded.

A journalist for several years, Léa specializes in the web. Versatile, she likes to decipher daily news. His favorite subjects are: health, well-being, lifestyle and…

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