“She is in danger”: the mother of Anissa, 17, who has been missing for several months, calls for help: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Jocelyne has had no news of her eldest daughter, Anissa, for almost two months and thinks that she is isolated and deprived of means of communication by the men who accompany her, relates The Parisian, this Sunday, August 20, 2023. It all started in October 2020, when Anissa left college and met people who were not very popular via social networks, as her mother explains. “She expressed the lack of her father, her pain that he was not there. And the gears began: an acquaintance him did try cocaine then she went into prostitution to pay for her drugs. She is under the influence of these men”.

Runaways then follow. But Anissa has always kept in touch with her mother. The latter, aware of the seriousness of the situation and worried for her child, then decides to put aside her professional career. She tries by all means to get her daughter out of this gear. “I did everything to get her out of this environment, I asked for centers to wean her off drugs, break-up stays at Childhood Social Assistance, but the structures only speak to me of reintegration when my daughter needs care and a framework”reports his mother in the columns of Parisian.

“I don’t know what to do to find my daughter”

The practices of prostitution to pay his debts are unfortunately a common practice and his mother knows it. She then seeks legal help. She reports several times the worrying disappearance of her daughter to the gendarmerie of Naucelle (Aveyron), in vain. No call for witnesses is launched. The Rodez prosecutor’s office is also seized for acts of prostitution. Always nothing. “I no longer know what to do to find my daughter, I knocked on all the doors, started all the procedures, but the authorities are not looking for her when she is a minor and in danger”. A story that is reminiscent of the facts of child prostitution of a 17-year-old girl in May 2023 by her neighbor, or the sadly known case of Jennifer Pailhé and her daughter Assia. This mother who fought for three years to find her daughter, kidnapped and prostituted by her boyfriend at the time.

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