she recounts the day when “she took off her wig”


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Évelyne Dhéliat shows great courage in the face of illness. In this pink October, she tells us about her fight against breast cancer. His courage is no longer to be proven. The television presenter has indeed removed her wig during a show, facing the camera. She looks back on the “hardest test of her life”.

An unconditional friend of Jean-Pierre Pernaut, Évelyne Dhéliat accompanied him throughout his illness. His death was a real shock. She was, in her own words, ” collapsed “. Everyone remembers the moving letter she wrote for her friend. Now, she says that in addition to her loved ones, it is her audience that supports her, and gives her the strength to fight. His fans tell him that the ” see work again is a lesson in hope and a comfort ” for them.

Having become an ambassador for the Ruban Rose association, Évelyne Dhéliat warns other women and advises them to get tested. She hopes to take advantage of her celebrity to provoke ” awareness “ and encourage women to consult quickly.

Évelyne Dhéliat, godmother of the Ruban Rose association, talks about her illness

Her fans saw her before in a professional setting on TF1. Now she talks about her private life and her feelings. Évelyne Dhéliat specifies, for example, that it is important to speak when one is suffering from a disease as serious as cancer. She stresses the importance of the medical team and the duty she feels invested in : “communicate on prevention”.

Notice to all women: it is recommended to have a mammogram every two years, and this, as soon as you reach fifty!

For now, Évelyne Dhéliat explains that she was initially shocked when she learned what she was suffering from. Then she stayed ” discreet “, according to his words. It is only in 2022 that she agrees to lift the veil on her experience, in order to allow others to benefit from her experience.

Proof of her legitimacy in her project, the former presenter works alongside Claudia Tagbo, comedian who participated in the Jamel Comedy Club, and Alice Detollenaere, the girlfriend of the world swimming champion, Camille Lecourt.

To conclude on a reassuring tone, she adds that “90% of breast cancers are cured with early detection”.

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