she shares a photo on Instagram, her fans are worried about her

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This Monday, June 5, 2023, Laura Smet shared a souvenir photo with her subscribers on Instagram. A snapshot that did not fail to worry his fans, many of whom expressed themselves in the comments of the publication.

Laura Smet was present on the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival, to the delight of her fans, disappointed not to have seen her for a long time. Indeed, Johnny Hallyday’s daughter had not set foot on the Croisette during the ceremony since 2008. To mark her comeback, the director opted for a new hair color that did not fail to cause a sensation. to the public, just like the sublime dress she chose for the occasion.

It must be said that the actress who wears the same perfume as her mother-in-law, Laeticia Hallyday, has been discreet in recent years. Featured in the TV series Boyish broadcast on France 3 in 2022, Laura Smet has been rare on the small screen since. And while Johnny Hallyday fans hoped to see him in Johnny by Laeticia, the documentary broadcast on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the death of the singer, the actress shone once again by her absence in the program.

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A photo that worries

A deliberate choice of the production which decided to focus the report on the late paternity of the rocker. To follow the news of Laura Smet, fans now rely on social networks. Indeed, it is on instagram that the 39-year-old actress is most famous for now. The opportunity to share his childhood memories and those of his father as well. Passionate about photography, Laura Smet does not hesitate to practice by regularly sharing photos to which she adds a vintage tone, opting in particular for black and white.

This Monday, June 5, 2023, the daughter of Nathalie Baye once again let her taste for photography speak by sharing a souvenir photo which did not fail to arouse strong reactions among its subscribers.. In the photo, you can see the actress, cigarette in mouth, leather jacket and disheveled hair. The complete panoply of a perfect rebel. And if the sexy nature of the shot has been underlined by some amateurs, many of its subscribers have expressed their reservations vis-à-vis this photo.

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“Lamentable”, “Don’t do like your dad our very dear Johnny the cigarette kills!” or even “It’s not good to smoke”. Internet users did not refrain from criticizing the actress vis-à-vis the consumption of tobacco. They can be reassured, Laura Smet, now the mother of a little boy, definitely said no to cigarettes in 2017.

Passionate about social issues and digital addict, he puts his pen to the service of information. Interested in all themes, Hugo is delighted to work for aufeminin …

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