She speaks out about Kanye West's illness

/ Culture / Stars / Kim Kardashian comes out of her silence to speak out about Kanye West's mental illness

If until now Kim Kardashian had remained discreet about the illness of her husband Kanye West, she decided to break the silence on Instagram following her first presidential campaign rally.

by Melanie Bonvard

Kanye West's first presidential campaign rally did not go unnoticed. Dressed in a bulletproof vest, Kanye West had notably expressed himself on abortion. He said he initially wished his wife Kim Kardashian to abort when she got pregnant with North: "I almost killed my daughter" he said, in tears, during his speech. Following this, he also tweeted numerous posts where he claimed that Kim Kardashian and his mother wanted him to be interned. On social media, he also accused his wife of having been unfaithful, later asking for a divorce. His tweets were deleted afterwards but really didn't go unnoticed.

Since these speeches, Kim Kardashian had been relatively discreet on this subject. But faced with the scale of this affair in the media and among the public, she decided to break the silence via her Instagram account. She returned to the illness of Kanye West who, let us remember, suffers from bipolar disorder. She therefore spoke of the impact that a mental illness can have on a family, recalling that what is happening with Kanye West is nothing funny and that the situation is, on the contrary, alarming. She explains : "Anyone who has this disease, or who knows someone who has it, knows how difficult and painful it is to understand.. I have never spoken publicly about how much this has affected us, because I am very protective of our children and Kanye has the right to respect for his privacy when it comes to his health.. But today I feel like I have to talk about the stigma surrounding this mental illness. "

She therefore calls for benevolence even though she is aware of the infatuation that a personality such as Kanye West can cause: "I understand that Kanye is subject to criticism, because he is a public figure and his actions can cause quite a bit of opinion. He's brilliant, but complicated. " She therefore calls for more empathy in the face of the mental illness from which Kanye West suffers, also recalling that it is a real ordeal for her and the rest of her family. She even mentioned the difficulty of instituting psychological follow-up for her husband who refuses to be treated: "Those who understand mental illnesses or compulsive disorders know that the family has no power over the patient unless he is a minor. (…) Those who are not aware or see it from afar can wear judgments and not understanding that it is up to the individual to ask for help, no matter what family and loved ones try. "

"I almost killed my daughter!" : Kanye West’s shocking comments on abortion

Video by Loïcia Fouillen