Shock callers loot gold bars – street delivery

Nasty shock callers have now even captured gold bars. The victim handed over the gold bars to the scammers on the street.

The scam with the shock calls is always similar: the fraudsters mostly call older people and pretend to be their children and claim that they – i.e. their son or daughter – are to blame for a serious traffic accident. So that the child does not have to go behind bars, the mother or father called should immediately transfer or hand over money as a deposit. The alleged daughter/son explains that the call came from a stranger’s phone number and not from the child’s known phone number by saying that he/she had lost their mobile phone.

Current case from Ingolstadt

In one such current case from Ingolstadt, a 67-year-old lady fell for such a shock call. But in this case, the scammers, who posed as a prosecutor and a detective on the phone, stole not only cash but also gold bars. The 67-year-old lady actually lugged cash and gold bars with a mid-five-digit value to the agreed handover meeting point on the street. There, on May 2, 2022, at 11:15 a.m. in the Asamstrasse / Weisbergerstrasse area in the Ingolstadt district of Kothau, a young woman received the gold shaft. The police are now looking for witnesses to the handover.

The scammer is described by the police as follows: “About 25 years old, southern appearance, about 1.60m tall, slim build, wears glasses. The collector’s black protective mask, which probably had an asterisk pattern in the upper area, may have attracted attention. The cash and gold bars were handed over in a shopping bag with ‘Edeka Fanderl’ printed on it.”

The Ingolstadt Criminal Investigation Department will receive information about the person collecting the vehicle described above or a vehicle that may be involved on 0841/9343-0.

Bank employee stops fraud in another case

In another case that followed the same scam, an attentive bank employee at VR-Bank in Ebermannstadt was just able to prevent the fraud.

That’s what the police say

The police emphasized that “police officers or prosecutors never call family members to request bail payments. If you receive such calls, hang up immediately and call 911 or discuss this personally with family members.”

The police warn:

  • Be suspicious of calls concerning your financial and/or personal situation and do not give any information.

  • Inform and warn your loved ones about these scams.

  • Don’t be fooled by a trustworthy phone number on the display.

  • Don’t let yourself be pressured in terms of time or emotionally.

  • After a call about financial demands, check with other family members.

  • Never give money or valuables to unknown persons – not even if they are supposed to be acting on behalf of relatives/acquaintances.

  • In urgent cases, dial the emergency number 110.

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