Shoes stink: what to do? These 9 simple tips will help

When the shoes stink, the question quickly arises as to what can be done about it. After all, nobody likes unpleasant smells. With our tips, however, the problem is a thing of the past.

Whether it’s spring, summer, autumn or winter, when your shoes stink, it can be uncomfortable to take them off. Not only for yourself, but also for the people around you. So what can you do against an odor that has already developed and how can you avoid it in new shoes in the future? The tips range from household items to deodorants to special insoles. But how exactly does that work? why is there an odor? even in our shoes?

Odors are caused by bacteria. This is completely normal and happens not only on our feet, but on the entire body. Let’s take the armpits – if we sweat there, it smells unpleasant. The bacteria on the skin are responsible for this, because sweat alone does not smell. However, if this body fluid mixes with bacteria that are on the skin, odors develop. It’s the same with shoes. Just there comes little fresh air get going when your feet are locked in all day. However, as with armpits, you can smell the sweat with the right means impede.

Avoid perspiration in shoes

How do you make sure your shoes don’t smell? You don’t let it get that far in the first place and you take precautions. Because deodorants can not only be used under the arms, there are now also sweat repellents for feet. foot deodorant work like those for the armpits and can simply be sprayed on.

For the sake of the environment, however, many people now do without the use of spray bottles, because the CFC gases they contain, such as butane or propane, are harmful to the climate. A good alternative are ordinary ones deodorant sticks or roll-on deodorants, which of course not only help with armpit wetness, but also ensure that your feet smell good.

Another help when the shoes stink is baby powder. It absorbs the sweat so that a reaction with potential bacteria cannot occur in the first place. If you don’t like the sweet scent of baby powder, you can shoe powder fall back on something specially designed to prevent odors in shoes.

When the feet are prepared, it’s time to prepare the shoes, because you can also take precautions here. With fresh soles not only odors are avoided, but also sweat is absorbed. Wet feet are a thing of the past.

are also very helpful cinnamon soles. Sounds strange, because why should you put soles that smell of cinnamon in your shoes? Quite simply: cinnamon binds odors and thus also combats smelly shoes.

shoes stink? Not anymore

It is particularly important that you Shoes ventilates regularly, so sometimes changes. If shoes are used day after day, they cannot deflate properly. Also, it makes sense every day new socks to wear, because odors tend to collect in textiles. Every now and then the shoes can also be worn with a disinfectant spray be sprayed on to eliminate any odors that have already formed.

And one last tip, almost from grandma: if the shoes stink, put them in the freezer. The cold kills bacteria and odors and the shoes smell fresh again.

Tips at a glance:

  • air shoes
  • Change shoes regularly
  • Change socks daily
  • cotton socks use
  • Disinfectant spray against bacteria and odors
  • Put shoes in the freezer to kill bacteria

Home remedies for shoe odor

It doesn’t always have to be the obvious that helps you with such problems. In addition to foot deodorants, shoe powder and cinnamon soles, there are other aids that can be found in your own home.

baking powder helps as a household remedy, for example, just as efficiently as baby powder and can simply be sprinkled into the shoes overnight. There it binds moisture and your shoes look fresh from the shop the next morning. You can remove that baking powder by tapping and a handheld vacuum cleaner.

Coffee is also a very helpful home remedy that can neutralize odors. That’s why there are sometimes small bowls of coffee beans in perfumeries to smell when you sniff your way through the selection of scents and at some point you can no longer tell one scent from the other. Just put the coffee powder like the baking powder in the shoe, let it work overnight and vacuum it out the next morning. But beware: discolouration is possible with this home remedy.

citrus fruits have unmistakably made a name for themselves as odor repellents. They can now be found in every cleaning agent, after all they ensure a good smell, even if the shoes stink. Their essential oils are skilled at neutralizing unpleasant odors. Lemon peels, for example, are ideal as a home remedy for shoe odor.

tea tree oil many abilities are attributed, but above all that it has an antibacterial effect. Just the thing for smell in the shoes. Simply put two drops of the antiseptic oil in the shoes and let it work overnight. The shoes should smell fresh again the next morning.

Shoes stink – put them in the washing machine?

When no household remedy or deodorant helps against the shoe smell and the shoes too need a little cleaning on the outside could, then they can also be thrown into the washing machine. Of course that applies only cloth shoesleather shoes and those made of imitation leather are excluded from this.

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