Shoot us in the foot – BMW boss warns of punitive tariffs on cars from China

BMW boss Oliver Zipse warns of undesirable side effects from the introduction of punitive tariffs on Chinese cars in the European Union. If the anti-dumping tariffs actually come about, it will harm German industry much more than the other way around.

“When you see that more than half of Chinese imports from China to Europe come from non-Chinese manufacturers, namely German manufacturers, then you see how quickly you can shoot yourself in the foot,” he said on Wednesday at the presentation of the quarterly figures.Germans themselves import from ChinaBMW imports the electric version of the Mini and the iX3 to Europe from China, Volkswagen produces the Cupra electric SUV Tavascan in the People’s Republic for the global market. The EU Commission is currently examining anti-dumping duties on electric cars from China. The result of the investigation is not expected to be available until November, but the EU could impose preliminary tariffs as early as July. “We don’t believe that our industry needs protection,” Zipse said in a conversation with analysts. BMW and other car manufacturers are dependent on China, not only because the People’s Republic is now the most important single market for many, but also because of the necessary raw materials. “There is not a single car in the EU without parts from China.” This particularly applies to electric cars.
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