Shortage of Doliprane for Children: Should You Be Worried?

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While several drugs are experiencing significant stock reductions, it is the turn of Doliprane for children to miss the call, to the chagrin of parents.

Winter illnesses are back as a triple flu/covid/bronchial epidemic affects the whole of France. For parents whose children are sick, the ideal partner in case of mild ailments and fevers is Doliprane for children. But after adult Doliprane and antibiotics like Amoxicillin, it’s the turn of Doliprane syrup to desert the shelves of pharmacies. For Pierre-Olivier Variot, pharmacist and president of the Union of Dispensary Pharmacists’ Unions interviewed by our colleagues from Le Parisien:It’s quite simple, there are no more. It’s worrying and it’s extremely time-consuming because we spend our time looking for it right and left, and during that time, we can’t take care of our patients.”

The reasons for this shortage are triple. First of all, the Covid and the usual winter illnesses have led to a greater consumption of Doliprane for children, which is often the first instinct of families. Next, a very strong tension on the supply of paracetamol (the active ingredient of Doliprane) and in a glass bottle. But the shortage can also be explained by the consequences of the social movement which took place within the laboratories of Sanofi, manufacturer of the drug. According to experts, these supply tensions could continue until next March.

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What to do in case of need if you cannot find Doliprane for your children?

If your child suffers from toothaches, headaches or a mild feverish state, you can always give him a generic of Doliprane. Another drug that can be used isAdvil in syrup from three months and up to 12 years. If it is a slightly stronger drug, there is no contraindication when needed. Doliprane for adults can also be used provided the dose is reduced to adapt it to your child. Remember in this case to take a film-coated form, and to pay attention to the dosage according to the age and weight of the child. However, this method is not suitable for infants.

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