Shortage of medicines, overwhelmed funeral directors … In China, the Covid is wreaking havoc

Sébastien Le Belzic (in Beijing)

Just days after the lifting of anti-Covid restrictions, the Chinese are affected by the virus by the millions. Some specialists fear an explosion in mortality in the coming months, the Chinese have not developed collective immunity. Beijing no longer gives any official report.

A week after the lifting of anti-Covid restrictions, the Chinese are affected by the virus by the millions. The wave is so violent that it is, for the moment, impossible to know its magnitude. Experts are already talking about an explosion in mortality. One to two million deaths are feared in the coming months. The Chinese, who have been locked up for three years, have not acquired herd immunity.

No more medication available

The queues are endless in front of pharmacies in Beijing. Impossible to find any medicine against the Covid or self-tests. Just days after anti-Covid restrictions were lifted, infections are skyrocketing.

Chen is a door-to-door delivery man. They are the only ones who continue to work in this capital which has become a ghost town. The young man is also looking for medication: “We can no longer buy fever medication on online sales sites. So I came to see this pharmacy.”

Overwhelmed funeral directors

Chen leaves empty-handed. The elderly are the most exposed to this wave of Covid which could kill between one and two million people, according to some estimates. The funeral directors are overwhelmed. Only 40% of those over 80 received their three doses. Asked by Europe 1, a retiree prefers to remain cautious: “I follow the requirements of the Beijing authorities that elderly people like me must stay at home and go out as little as possible”.

The government no longer gives any official report. He now sticks to his new speech by affirming that the Covid is not more dangerous than a cold, remarks at the antipodes of the health policy carried out by China for these three years of pandemic.

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