SII: 11% increase in quarterly sales


(AOF) – The SII group, a specialist in engineering professions, achieved a turnover of 287.8 million euros during the third quarter of the 2023/2024 financial year, an increase of 11%. “This third quarter confirms the trend observed since the start of the financial year. Like the macroeconomic context, all our main markets are marked by weaker dynamics than during the last two financial years,” explains SII. In France, its turnover came to 117.3 million euros, showing organic growth close to that of the first half.

On the outlook side, “the first weeks of 2024 do not reverse the trend observed during these first 9 months. The annual turnover should be in a range between 1.12 and 1.13 billion dinars. “euros. This would represent an annual growth in turnover of around 10%, still higher than the performance of our sector”, underlines SII.

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