SII, growth still solid, economic slowdown under control…

( — Coincidentally, SII published its half-year results on the evening of the first day of the CIC Forum by Market Solutions. A publication well received on the market (+3.30% for the title the next day) which allowed the group to once again cross the symbolic level of a billion euros in capitalization and for the Chairman of the Management Board, Eric Matteucci, to explain to investors the dichotomy between a turnover at the top of the announced range and a margin at the converse at the bottom: “The half-year calendar presented 3 working days less, i.e. a direct impact on the margin and then the market dynamics decline from quarter to quarter, this weighs…”

The economic slowdown is materializing therefore recognizes the manager who notes that his clients, although in sectors still showing significant profitability, aeronautics, banks… are more cautious about their investments. “The phenomenon is quite generalized, but with a different explanation for each sector,” he adds. In this context, giving a 6-month perspective “is taking unnecessary risks” for Eric Matteucci, who is only carrying out the exercise for the next quarter and is aiming for growth of between 7 and 10%, still accounting for a small “external growth” effect.


In this slightly less buoyant economic situation, SII is showing agility by adapting its recruitment to this slowdown. “We know how to accelerate when necessary and slow down when necessary!” indicates the manager, who despite the expected slowdown considers that it will still be necessary to recruit, but in smaller proportions, to cope with needs and turnover. Moreover, during the first half of the year, 723 new employees joined the workforce in France. ET SII indicates that it has recently reached the milestone of 200 employees in New Aquitaine. A symbolic threshold for SII which has become a key player in the local economy. He also recognizes that for several years, “whatever the economic situation, recruiting has become complicated, but the group’s know-how in this area is extremely effective!”

Internationally, Poland, SII’s stronghold, is still doing well, but is also experiencing a slowdown combined with a reduction in its competitiveness. The wage gap is decreasing somewhat with other countries including France, due to high wage inflation there. And SII does not hesitate to approach other offshore countries, such as Romania.


SII, whose strategy is based on a culture of organic growth which has regularly enabled it to progress faster than its market, does not refrain from new complementary external growth operations, like those carried out last May and January. . “We are, it is true, more active than in the past in this area, with a dedicated team, but to carry out operations which have value on an industrial level, not to simply add up turnover. elsewhere, we will not switch to an external growth strategy linked to a desire to increase turnover,” explains Eric Matteucci.

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