SII targets an operating margin close to 9% – 11/14/2023 at 6:16 p.m.

(AOF) – SII, a specialist in engineering professions, achieved a turnover of 538.4 million euros during the first half of the 2023/2024 financial year, up 12.8% despite three working days less. The second quarter recorded growth of 12.8% to 269 million euros. With the exception of Germany and the United Kingdom, all countries are facing a slowdown. In France, the SII group recorded a turnover of 100.5 million euros during this quarter of the 2023/2024 financial year and has thus posted stable organic growth for three quarters.

Overall, for the first half of the year, turnover in France stood at 214.4 million euros, up 7.6% (including 3.4% at constant scope).

Internationally, the SII group recorded quarterly turnover of 164 million euros, an increase of 15.8% (including 11.1% at constant scope and exchange rates) compared to the second quarter of Previous exercice.

Many countries are still showing sustained quarterly organic growth: Poland (+9%), Germany (+42%), Romania (+30%) and the Czech Republic (+47%).

On the outlook side, given the activity rate, which has fallen over this period, SII’s operating margin should be at the bottom of the announced range, i.e. close to 9%.

“Beyond this semester, the reduced visibility leads us to plan from quarter to quarter. Our objective for the third quarter of this 2023/2024 financial year is to achieve turnover growth of between 7 and 10%” , explains the specialist in engineering professions.


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