Silent Hill: Konami renews the brand, with the addition of a mention concerning VR

The rumors surrounding the return of the series silent Hill are not weakening, despite the license’s successive false leaps in recent events. Several insiders claim that the horror saga is well on the way to returning, with even several episodes overseen by several studios, but Konami remains reserved as to any official announcement. However, the rebranding dropped a clue that should get people talking.

A Silent Hill in VR?

A few days ago, the brand silent Hill has been renewed by Konami in order to retain the rights. If the gesture may seem innocuous at first glance, in addition to showing that it might be time for Konami to use its flagship licenses again, the LeaksAndRumors subreddit noticed an interesting detail about this renewal.

On this trademark registration silent Hillwe can now see a statement regarding compatibility with virtual reality headsets. What to indicate the future compatibility of a game silent Hill with VR?

Everything is possible, although at the moment nothing is confirmed. But knowing that Resident Evil 7 took this step brilliantly, the idea of ​​a silent Hill in VR (new or remastered) may have germinated in Konami’s head. Answer in the next few months.

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