Silvia Notargiacomo without taboo on her cosmetic surgery operation

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Recently, Silvia Notargiacomo (Dancing with the Stars) gave an interview to Gala, during which she spoke without taboo about her cosmetic surgery operation.

Silvia Notargiacomo turned the page, since the end of his adventure in Dance with the stars. In 2017, the dancer was ousted from the cast of the show. In a recent interview with the magazine Gala – including several media, including Here is and TV Starechoed Thursday, December 8 – she revealed that she was expecting a child.

Moreover, in the same context, she explained that she took the opportunity to be away from the cameras, at the end of her adventure in the TF1 program, to undergo cosmetic surgery: rhinoplasty. It is without taboo that the 39-year-old young woman confided in the subject of this experience. “I had my nose done to correct a deviated nasal septum and traces of blows taken with the dance, and I took the opportunity to embellish it”she explained at length to Gala.

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Dancing with the stars: Silvia Notargiacomo has moved on

In the columns of the same magazine, Silvia Notargiacomo explained that the end of her participation in Dance with the stars also gave him the opportunity to decompressto take time for herself, to enjoy life more. “I was finally able to have weekends. […] Between the show and the tours, I couldn’t stop”, she confided. In the same context, she then assured that she had “mourns this period” of his life. Proof of this is that she explained to our colleagues that she refused to return to the show, the day the production asked her to do so: “I had moved on.”

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