Singapore: Changi Airport redeploys its wings

DECRYPTION – The recovery of major airports in Asia-Pacific, however, remains behind compared to American or European rivals.

From our special correspondent in Singapore

The vertiginous cascade of water falls from the glass roof, forty meters, to crackle in a pool surrounded by jungle. Passers-by in flip-flops and T-shirts take selfies in front of the largest indoor waterfall in the world, the highlight of the Jewel, the new shopping center at Changi Airport, round like a ten-storey “donut”. This $1.2 billion complex inaugurated on the eve of the pandemic was to be the meeting place for “Singapore with the world», with the aim of attracting travelers on extended stopovers. But today, most of the visitors strolling along the gleaming windows, where an Apple Store and the biggest luxury brands are crowded, are made up of locals. “The objective was to have 60% of tourists, but for the moment 90% of the customers are from heresays Ivan Tan, senior vice president of Changi Airport Group.

This planetary hub, among the most active before the pandemic, foresees…

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