Singles' Day: 6 surprising things that are fun on your own

As a single, some things are not as fun as with a partner? That's not true! After all, it's all a question of attitude. For Singles' Day on November 11th, we're taking a close look at six typical single fears.

The single life itself should not scare anyone who has a reasonably healthy self-confidence, on the contrary: There are so many advantages to being single! For example, as single we have more freedom, we have to make fewer compromises and fight much less often, we get to know new, interesting people all the more (and can flirt as much as we want), have more time for friends (and funnier evenings with them !) and and and! But even many people who are aware of all of this fear or even avoid certain situations when they are single, because they consider them absolutely unbearable and uncomfortable on their own. But now between us and from personal experience: They are not at all!

6 things that scare singles – even though they're more beautiful on their own

1. Family celebrations, weddings and Co.

Going to a wedding or the like without a +1 is an absolute horror for many! But why bother? A wedding is just a party where people dance, eat and drink very tasty. And what if people ask for company and we say we're alone ?! People judge one way or another. Whether we are alone or have "a loser", "loser" or "hippie" by our side – we will never please everyone anyway. The main thing is that we have fun ourselves. And that should be included with champagne, cake, a nice outfit and a few other singles with whom you can have fun …!

2. Go out to eat

You can't go out to eat nice as a single? Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that! Food tastes just as good when we're alone – sometimes even better because we can fully concentrate on it! And the waiting time? We can chase them away, for example, by counting the silent couples at the neighboring tables or exchanging a few glances with the nice waiter …

3. Cinema

Going to the cinema alone is sad? But on the contrary! Nobody next to us who constantly annoys us with his cola sips or who eats all the popcorn away! Nobody who laughs at us or thinks "it's cute" when we end up crying or at a touching point. And nobody who expects us to watch a car or sports film with them if they have accompanied us in a romance or fantasy flick.

4. Sexual dry spell

Admittedly, as a single it is a little more difficult to have sexual intercourse as partners. But we don't have to do without anything! Why are there so many different and high-quality vibrators and sex toys? Finally the time and opportunity to deal with our own body and find out exactly what is good for us. And if you really want someone else to play: Tinder is guaranteed to find a suitable candidate.

5. Christmas, Easter and Co.

Holidays like Christmas are classic phases that arouse feelings of loneliness even in the happiest singles. These are THE opportunities to really relax and find yourself. Closed shops, deserted streets – never before is it as quiet as on these reflective holidays. Alternatively, as a single you can visit your own parents very easily and relaxed, while couples often have to plan and coordinate everything precisely and then rush from one family to the next. Or you can spontaneously escape this whole holiday mood at home and just spend Christmas on the beach – which brings us to the next point …

6. Vacation

Some are afraid to travel alone, others complain about not being able to share the great experiences as a single vacationer with anyone. But the truth is: Going on vacation alone strengthens self-confidence and generally broadens your horizons much more than in company! Anyone traveling solo in a foreign country is guaranteed to get to know a lot of interesting people. Alone we are simply more open and sociable than when accompanied. Plus, we don't have to coordinate our agenda with anyone, we can get up and explore whenever we want, and we don't have to do anything that bores us. Most of those who have tried it know: Holidays for singles are GREAT! And, as I said, it makes us more self-confident – because we experience what we can achieve and manage on our own.
