Sir Ian McKellen: Actor in hospital after falling from stage

Sir Ian McKellen
Acting star in hospital after falling from stage

Sir Ian McKellen is on the road to recovery.

© lev radin/

Sir Ian McKellen was taken to a London hospital after falling from the stage. He is apparently doing better now.

According to British media reports, Sir Ian McKellen (85) fell from the stage during a performance of “Player Kings” in London on Monday evening (June 17). However, the all-clear has now been given: the actor is “in good shape” and will “recover quickly and fully”, The BBC quotes a spokesman for the Noël Coward Theater.

Will Ian McKellen be on stage again on Wednesday?

According to the report, Ian McKellen was taken to hospital after the fall. The audience was escorted out of the theater in London’s West End after the incident and informed that the performance was being canceled. A theater spokesman later confirmed that the performance on Tuesday evening would not take place either “so that Ian can rest.” However, McKellen is apparently set to appear again in the afternoon performance on Wednesday, the report continues.

The 85-year-old acting star, who plays John Falstaff in the play, was reportedly in a fight scene when he lost his footing and fell off the stage. Ian McKellen reportedly screamed in pain and theater staff rushed to his aid, the BBC reported.

There are also reports on social media about the British acting star’s fall. One post reads: “Audience shocked by Sir Ian McKellen’s fall from the stage tonight at the Noel Coward Theatre. Staff are working hard to help him. Thoughts are with him, the cast and crew.”

Ian McKellen has been on stage and in front of the camera for 60 years

Ian McKellen’s acting career spans more than six decades. On screen, he is best known for his role as Magneto in the “X-Men” films and as Gandalf in the “Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit” film trilogies.


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