Skin Flooding: How to properly care for your skin in winter

Perfect skincare
Skin flooding ensures radiant skin in winter

© deniskomarov / Adobe Stock

The skin tends to be a little dry and brittle on windy days. Skin flooding can help you get a radiant complexion again.

Cold winds are blowing outside and dry heating air awaits us inside. Our skin can get confused and… brittle skin areas develop. This not only looks unsightly, but is also uncomfortable. It feels tight, itches and sometimes even peels a bit. To counteract this, the skin should be moisturized flooded become. This is where the name of the latest beauty trend comes from, skin flooding.

What is Skin Flooding?

Skin flooding is about nourishing the skin with as much moisture as possible so that rough areas of skin don’t have a chance. We often use the wrong products whose ingredients contribute to drying out our skin. Therefore, when it comes to skin flooding, it is particularly important that beauty products are compatible with the skin right ingredients be used. Fortunately, you don’t need much for the entire process, because you only need to flood your skin with moisture three products necessary.

Which products do I need for this?

With skin flooding it is mainly Basic productsthat are good for our skin and provide it with enough nutrients. What you need is a mild one Cleanser, a serum and a moisturizer.

Cleansing cream

Cleansing is the be-all and end-all of facial care and should ensure a healthy skin barrier not formulated too strongly be. Mild substances can also ensure deep pore cleansing without attacking or roughening the epidermis. It’s best to choose one Cleansing lotioncream or milk, as they are gentler on the skin than a gel or a foam.

Moisturizing serum

The serum is the messenger. This means that it helps the skin retain moisture bundle and smuggle in. This is best achieved with one Hyaluronic serumwhich increases the hyaluronic content in our skin when used regularly and thus not only counteracts dryness, but also help with wrinkles can. If you also want to combat this, taking collagen can also help. Check out our collagen powder review to find out more.


The Moisturizers brings up the rear in skin flooding and ensures that the moisture stored in the skin is retained receive remains. It seals our epidermis, so to speak, and also donates more moisture, which also creates the healthy shine that we still know from children’s skin. And your skin will be just as soft as children’s skin after this simple care routine.

How do I best use the products?

The products have been found, now it’s time to use them, because that’s just as important. The best way to do this is as follows:

  1. The face will be for 60 seconds Thoroughly cleaned with lotion or milk and then washed with lukewarm water so that no residue remains on the skin.
  2. Just pat your face lightly with a fresh towel. At best, you should change it every four days so that you don’t spread the bacteria it contains back onto your face. The face should still feel a bit moist.
  3. Now comes the serum, which you use to incorporate the moisture on your face into the skin. All you need is an amount about the size of a 20 cent piece. Apply it to your skin and tap it in gently.
  4. The last step includes the moisturizer, which you can use after waiting two minutes in massaging movements (without pressure). Here too, an amount the size of a 20 cent piece is sufficient.
  5. Skin flooding is now complete. You can repeat the process every evening.

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