Skunk hair: adopt this flagship trend of the 90's! : Photo album

The 90s inspire us again. While we never thought we would one day have to re-adopt the trends of that time, we still let ourselves be tempted by several fashions that had marked the decade. After the reappearance of the darling in the current beauty world, the "skunk hair" trend is making a comeback.

What is the "skunk hair" trend?

Named "skunk hair", this trend may not ring a bell … at least, in name only! Since it is THE fashionable hairstyle. This year is on everyone's mind! We will give you more explanations right away.

In English, "skunk" means "skunk". You know, this adorable little animal – also (wrongly) called polecat – and who stands out for his black and white coat. A contrast that has been adapted in hairstyle. Thus, the "skunk hair" consists in bleaching part of his hair, to contrast at most with the rest of the brown hair. But which part exactly? Well the trend does not say it! That is to say, it's up to you to choose what pleases you the most, and what sticks more to your look. Some opt for two strands on the front of the face, while others prefer to lighten the hair at the nape of the neck, or one side of the head. Skunk hair is a daring coloring technique that will make you stand out from the crowd for a (almost) unique look!

What about maintenance?

The "skunk hair" requires a lot of maintenance. It is important to take this into account before falling for the 90's trend. The brown roots of blonde locks are seen very quickly, and immediately give a sloppy look. This requires, therefore, to go to the hairdresser once a month.

Also, at home, about once a week, do not hesitate to use a purple treatment to lighten the blonde part of your hair and remove its yellow highlights. From our side, we recommend the Hot Anti-Glare Beauty Drops Revlon Professional to add to your classic shampoo; or a shampoo enriched with purple pigments like this yellowing cleansing product offered by Elseve (3.69 euros on

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