Skyrim will make you drool with this free new feature


The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim is still as cult as ever, even if it’s getting a little old. But with this mod, NPCs have a second youth and are more intelligent and stronger than you.

There’s really no need to introduce Skyrim anymore. This Bethesda monument is still as cult almost 15 years after its release. It revolutionized the open world, RPGs and quite a few other aspects of the video game industry. As you will have understood, we can attribute dozens of qualities to him, but we must face the facts: he has aged a lot. If it is not has-been either, many PC players clean it up very often thanks to numerous mods to improve the graphics or add new features. The latest one may give challenge fans a hard time.

Skyrim gets harder

For some time now, Skyrim has had the right to a new mod, which greatly improves the AI ​​used by enemies called “NPCs Take Cover”. It doesn’t necessarily make the dialogues more learned, but in combat it’s devastating. As its name suggests, this feature allows opponents to take cover in case of danger. Before this, when the player was in an area inaccessible to them, they would just stay completely still. All you had to do was take out your bow and shoot until the monster died. It’s a fairly simple addition, but it makes ranged combat much more strategic.

That’s not all, because this mod also makes NPCs more dynamic. They move faster and more randomly, which makes it difficult to aim. As if that wasn’t enough, they insult you. Yes, there is no longer any question of staying on the sidelines, you will have to come to the front to “fight like a warrior!” “. Note that this mod also concerns animals. Since its installation, its creator has not been without it: I’ve been playing with this for about a week and it continues to surprise and challenge me at every turn. NPCs are now too smart“, he jokes on the NexusMods website. This can also be a good opportunity for you to test, if you have already overcome all the challenges of the original version.

Mods can do wonders. One particularly attracting the attention of devotees of the Elder Scrolls saga, because it attempts to remaster the third episode: Morrowind. To do this, the developer team will use the Skyrim engine. For now, there is no release date, but development seems to be going very well, as the group recounts in their late 2023 recap.


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