Sleep: 3 books to sleep soundly

It is well known that reading before going to bed helps to fall more easily into the arms of Morpheus. As International Sleep Day takes place this Friday, March 18, here are 3 books to help you fall asleep and sleep soundly.

to get hypnotized

©Robert Laffont

We can notably count on “Hypnocontes”, a collection of 18 short stories by Solène Daoudal, master practitioner in Ericksonian hypnosis. If his book particularly promotes sleep, it is because each story is based on a technique derived from hypnosis. In “Deeply elsewhere”, the specialist invites the reader, for example, to take a few strokes not far from a coral garden, to let yourself be carried away in the salt water, then to bring out his childhood memories with “Return to Houat », and invites him to listen to the silence over «Journée blanche». To be fully involved in the practice of self-hypnosis, each short story is followed by an explanation of the methods used to plunge the subject into a state of calm. Reading this book, curled up in its sheets, we forget the ruminations, the worries of the day, and the potential hassles of the next day. We learn to use daydreaming, to modify its relationship to your body, and to change the functioning of its mind.

“Hypnocontes”, Solène Daoudal, ed. Robert Laffont.

To eat well


©Edition de l’Homme

Food isn’t just related to weight loss and fitness. The foods we put on our plate also have a profound impact, both direct and indirect, on our mental health. If they are chosen incorrectly, this can promote anxiety or sleep problems. In her book, called “The Nutrition Revolution”, Uma Naidoo, psychiatrist and nutrition specialist, trained at Harvard University, demonstrates how a healthy diet can help treat and prevent this type of disorder. Based on scientific facts and numerous studies, this precious manual of more than 300 pages contains several nutritional recommendations and healthy recipes to feed your brain properly and sleep soundly. Throughout the chapters, the expert comes back to the communication between the intestine and the brain, the unsuspected benefits of blueberries, turmeric, vitamin D… She also mentions specific cases, which she was able to observe during her his consultations.

“The Nutrition Revolution – Anxiety, Depression, Sleep,” Uma Naidoo, ed. of Man.

International Women's Day is March 8.

To understand your child


©De Boeck Superior

It’s hard to get restful sleep when you have a toddler. To help parents sleep better, Aurélie Callet and Clémence Prompsy, clinical psychologists, released “I don’t sleep!”. If your child refuses to fall asleep, wakes up (and wakes you up) in the middle of the night and you are already tired in the morning when you get up, this tailor-made guide could become your ally. First, it helps to understand why your child does not sleep, in particular via questionnaires to be completed. Then, the toddler specialists, also creators of Kidz and Family, a psychology firm located in Boulogne-Billancourt, explain what are the essential conditions for solving the sleep problems specific to them and share many tips for going to bed peacefully, without think about the potential nocturnal awakenings of his offspring, and recover as much as possible.

“I’m not sleeping!”, Aurélie Callet, and Clémence Prompsy, ed. De Boeck Superior.

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