Sleep apnea and diet: what are the links? : Current Woman Le MAG

THE Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) is a pathology of breathing during the night: the person stops breathing (apnea) or almost stops breathing (hypopnea) while sleeping. These breathing pauses lead to a drop in blood oxygen level, repeated micro-arousals and sleep fragmentation, which are not always perceived by the person. They are most often due to a relaxation of the pharyngeal muscles and a total or partial blockage of breathing and are most often accompanied by snoring. Sleep apnea has serious health consequences, including an increase in cardiovascular diseases.

Unbalanced diet, overweight and sleep apnea

Excess weight represents a risk factor for sleep apnea. “A diet that is too abundant, too rich in fats and sugar, promotes weight gain and therefore indirectly sleep apnea”, explains Sandrine Launois, pulmonologist specializing in sleep, President of the Morphée Network. The accumulation of fat in the neck, tongue and pharynx leads to narrowing of the airways and therefore promotes obstruction of the upper airways. 58% of obese people suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea syndrome (OSA) and 50% of people who have apnea are obese in France (INSV figures).

Sleep apnea: what diet?

“If a person has sleep apnea and manages to lose weight sustainably, this can improve their apnea sometimes to the point where they can do without treatment (continuous positive airway pressure)”, says Dr. Launois. People with mild sleep apnea and no treatment are also advised to avoid or limit the consumption of foods that can interfere with quality sleep (as is also the case for people without pathology): dishes rich in fats that are difficult to digest, foods that promote reflux and gastric acidity, stimulants like caffeine. “Alcohol consumption in the evening is also not recommended because it aggravates apnea,” the pulmonologist informs us. This indicates that conversely, an evening meal taken well before bedtime with starchy foods promotes quality sleep.

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