Sleep disorders: 5 tips that help IMMEDIATELY

Those who spend hours turning back and forth at night and simply cannot rest are usually tired the next day, irritable and find it difficult to concentrate. For a night or two, that's not a concern. However, if the sleep disorders persist for a longer period of time, this can have health consequences.

These hacks help with sleep disorders

You finally want to sleep well again? Then give it a try with our five tips:

1. Think about your workout – but in the morning!

For the best night's sleep, the U.S. National Sleep Foundation recommends putting the workout in the early morning. Accordingly, people who move before 7 a.m. sleep deeper and better at night.

2. Get up at the same time each day

Whoever gets up at the same time every day – including on weekends – regulates his internal clock. This makes it easier for you to get tired in the evening and sleep better.

3. Treat yourself to early morning sun

Another good reason to do your workout in the morning: The early morning sun also helps your body switch to a healthy day and night rhythm, So turn your internal clock positively. And: The early daylight not only ensures that the production of the "sleep hormone" melatonin is stopped – the body also releases endorphins, which also make us happy!

4. Keep your feet warm

Do you always like to cuddle up to your boyfriend with ice-cold feet at night? This is nice (at least for you), but It is much more conducive to your sleep if your feet are already warm when you go to sleep. This widens the blood vessels – and when heat is distributed evenly throughout the body, this makes it easier to fall asleep and sleep through. If you tend to have cold feet, you should put on cozy, thick socks at least half an hour before going to bed.

5. Check your magnesium level

A magnesium deficiency has various negative effects on us. Problems can also arise when sleeping, because Magnesium helps the muscles and brain relax. If you often have trouble falling asleep, you should have a doctor check whether you are supplied with enough magnesium.

Video tip: 6 tips for a good night's sleep