Sleep tips: 5 recommendations from a child sleep expert for parents of babies

Sleep tips
5 recommendations from a child sleep expert for parents of babies

Hardly anything costs parents more energy than a child who won’t fall asleep – these tips can help.

Parents know the problem all too well: the baby just doesn’t want to fall asleep. Luckily, a sleep expert has the key to peaceful nights – we’ll tell you her five tips for a restful sleep for babies and parents.

Bye, bye sleep problems! New Zealander Catherine Hart is an experienced sleep expert and mother herself. With her experience, she has been able to help thousands of parents get their children to sleep through the night. She now shares her recommendations with a global community on TikTok.

Lack of sleep with a baby? These recommendations can help

In her opinion, the most important thing is when parents start practicing longer sleep intervals with their child. You can see in the video what exactly she recommends and why it has worked successfully in so many cases!


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