Sleep well: how to know if your sleep is restorative

We spend a third of our life sleeping. Which is not a waste of time, nor trivial. Poor quality nights directly impact our health.

As Dr. Marc Rey reminds us, “sleep deprivation can lead to depression, anxiety and difficulty concentrating. Not to mention that when we sleep, our immune system strengthens. It is not uncommon that in case of sleep debt, one is more subject to winter ailments. Finally, daytime fatigue and drowsiness pave the way for obesity by modulating the hormones that regulate appetite. »

What is restorative sleep?

“Of course, there is no unambiguous answer, launches Marc Rey. Duration is very important. But we don’t all have the same needs. To know if your sleep is restorative enough, you must – as the name suggests – feel repaired. How? ‘Or’ What ? Of course, do not assess your state of mind immediately when you get up, when you are still in the inertia of sleep. But an hour later, if you feel rested, your night will have played its restorative role. »

Is sleep before midnight more restorative?

This is an old adage, “which is only valid for those who are used to going to bed before midnight”, continues the neurologist. “In fact, the beginning of the night is very important because it is richer in deep slow-wave sleep. It is he who makes it possible to recover well. »

So, insofar as restorative sleep occurs at the start of sleep, it’s up to you, depending on the number of hours you need, when to go to bed to be in great shape the next day.

Sleep is maintained

Several behaviors can help you (re)find the sleep of the just:

  • Adopt regular hours“in order to be in harmony with the functioning of your biological clock”;
  • For quality sleep, engage in regular physical activity, and especially at a distance from bedtime. Indeed, to fall into the arms of Morpheus, the body needs to drop in temperature;
  • Expose yourself to natural light. The secretion of melatonin – a hormone intimately linked to the synchronization of the sleep/wake cycle – is blocked in light. And it resumes when it gets dark. This is also why it is better to avoid screens (and their blue light) before going to bed;
  • Of course, avoid alcohol which, contrary to popular belief, does not promote quality sleep. Not more than the tobaccowhich is a stimulant.

Sleeping pills prevent the brain from creating its own sleep. Illustration Adobe Stock

What about sleep aids?

If your nights do not seem restorative to you, should you turn to sleeping pills? “In the past, barbiturates had no regard for sleep,” continues Marc Rey. Today, hypnotics are much more respectful. However, they do not consider this sleep in its complexity, because they prevent the brain from creating its own sleep. This is why their use should not be prolonged. »

And what about herbal teas and other “calm night” phytotherapeutic products? “They can’t hurt. They participate in the bedtime ritual… But let’s be honest: their effect is mild! »

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