Sleep with your hair tied: yes or no?

/ Beauty / Hair / Sleeping with your hair tied: good or bad idea?

How many times have we wondered if tying our hair while we were asleep was a good thing? Today, discover each of the advantages and disadvantages of doing so.

Video by Clemence chevallet

When it comes to taking care of our hair at night, doubts always arise. Is it better to tie them up or leave them loose? Can sleeping with a ponytail promote hair loss? We already know the different hairstyles or hair care to adopt at night to wake up with dream hair. On the other hand, what about how to style our hair to find it in perfect health the next morning? There are several alternatives and theories; and when you have long hair, things get more complicated. We tell you everything.

The benefits of sleeping with your hair tied

One of the first benefits of sleeping with your hair up is that it prevents it from being in permanent contact with the skin on your face. A contact that promotes clogging of the pores of the skin, in particular because of the sebum naturally present on our hair as well as hair products. Also, if you have oily or acne prone skin, sleeping with your hair loose can make skin problems worse. For this reason, we recommend that you tie your hair, then cleanse your skin thoroughly before going to bed; thus, your face will not absorb makeup residue and dirt from your hair overnight.

However, raising your hair overnight will not affect hair health. Provided you follow the right steps:

  • Gently brush your hair with a comb or a brush with natural bristles (like this model in boar bristle, available at 15.90 euros on
  • Style your hair on the back and tie it in with soft hair ties. It can be a fine silk darling (like those offered by Slip, 44 euros on, or an invisibobble elastic in the shape of a telephone cord (available at a price of 5 euros at )

Another advantage of sleeping with your hair tied: it stays clean longer – and this is all the more true during the hot seasons, or else for people who tend to sweat during their sleep. Also, this avoid knots that are formed because of all the movements that we do involuntarily while sleeping.

Read also: Good habits to take to avoid knots in the hair

What are the disadvantages (and how to avoid them)?

As we told you a little above, tie your hair there are many benefits at night, especially for your skin and for avoiding knots and extra dirt on your hair. However, there are hairstyles that are best avoided. For example, very tight braids! This kind of mat can indeed weaken your hair and scalp. It is better to opt for a braid, a bun or a ponytail; not too tight! Before tying your hair to sleep, it is also necessary to check that they are perfectly dry. Lifting her hair while it is still wet will prevent it from drying properly; and as a result, your hair will build up a excess humidity bad for their beauty.

Also avoid applying too strong hair products before you fall asleep. These are absorbed at night and can weaken the hair. And finally, our last tip concerns the material of your sheets. Silk pillowcases are much more respectful of your hair. If you want to take care of your mane while you sleep, opt for this very soft material (silk pillowcase, 9.59 euros on

Read also: 5 good reasons to sleep on a silk pillowcase

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