Slopestyle event in snowboard – fall festival: Burri cannot play her trump cards in the final – sports


In her Olympic debut, the surprising finalist from Lucerne did not get better than 12th place. Gold goes to New Zealand.

All good things don’t always come in threes. In the slopestyle discipline, boarder Ariane Burri from Central Switzerland was unable to bring down any of her three runs. That’s why another proverb applied to the 21-year-old in the Olympic limelight: “Every beginning is difficult!”

Without a complete result in the ranking, Burri remained a long way behind in the field of finalists in 12th and last place when she took part in the Winter Games for the first time. In the qualification, the debutante was able to unconcernedly call up her potential and surprisingly made the cut.

She doesn’t mope

When the competition continued, she paid dearly and also felt a bit drained from the day before. Of course, Burri didn’t want to hide her disappointment with the unsuccessful performance: “I had hoped for more. And yet it can be seen as a success that I was allowed to contest the final at all. »

This started extremely badly for the woman from Lucerne. After an aggressive and risk-taking intro, she fell at the first kicker. From then on her back hurt and she felt insecure. She couldn’t bring the two following runs down either.

The “Kiwis” celebrate the gold premiere

Zoi Sadowski Synnott from New Zealand emerged as the winner. The gold of the 20-year-old has historical value: a representation from the “Kiwi” nation has never achieved resounding success at the Winter Games.

The other podium places went to Julia Marino (USA) and Tess Coady (AUS). The Olympic champion of Sochi 2014 and Pyeongchang 2018, Jamie Anderson from the USA, did not get past 9th place after a botched competition.

2 Swiss trumps in the men’s field

The male slopestyle specialists determine the finalists in 2 runs over the jumps and on the rails in the Gentin Snow Park from 5:30 a.m. From a Swiss point of view, Jonas Bösiger and Nicolas Huber want to clear the hurdle. You can qualify here in our commented web live stream on channel 1.

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