Slow metabolism: That’s why losing weight doesn’t work

Metabolic brake
Losing weight doesn’t work? 5 things that slow down your metabolism

© Shutterstock/Dmytro Zinkevych

You probably all know how you can stimulate your metabolism. But are you also aware that there are various things that slow down your metabolism? We’ll tell you five things you should avoid if you want to lose weight:

1. Lack of sleep

Do you always go to bed too late or do you sleep very irregularly? Then that could be the reason why your metabolism is out of rhythm. Getting enough sleep is not only important to give your body time to regenerate, but also to ensure that all metabolic processes run smoothly. And to avoid cravings the next day.

2. Sitting for too long

In people who sit at a desk or on the couch for a long time, their metabolism slows down. The body runs on the back burner and switches to rest mode. If you have an office job, you should stop your work at regular intervals and move around. Do a quick workout or walk around the block, the fresh air does wonders for your body and mind.

3. Pure endurance training

There is no question that endurance training is better than no training at all and it effectively strengthens the cardiovascular system. Despite all this, women should aim for a combination of endurance and strength in the long term. The reason: strength training and the muscle building that goes with it boosts the metabolism particularly strongly and activates fat burning long after exercise.

4. Too many meals

For a long time, the motto was: don’t skip meals, otherwise your metabolism will slow down. This myth has been refuted by current knowledge. On the contrary: Intermittent fasting, the so-called interval fasting with meal breaks of around 16 hours, actually stimulates the metabolism a little and improves fat loss. It is important that enough energy and vital substances are consumed during the eight-hour eating phase so that the body does not think it has to store fat and slow down the metabolism to be on the safe side – as is often the case with diets.

5. Protein deficiency

A healthy diet that also boosts your metabolism must include one ingredient: proteins. Protein stimulates your fat metabolism and helps build muscle. In addition, proteins, which are found in eggs, lean meat, cottage cheese, and pulses, keep you full for a long time and provide energy. If you only eat carbohydrates, you will have to live with a slow metabolism – and cravings deluxe.



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