Snat offers its method of calculation over the best 25 years

In the midst of an agricultural crisis, the Senate put pressure on the government on Tuesday by adopting its version of a pension reform for farmers calculated over the best 25 years, while a law voted on in 2023 on the subject remains in force.

A few hours after the reception of the majority agricultural unions by Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, the issue of retirement pensions experienced an echo in the upper house with this bill from the senatorial right, adopted unanimously.

The senatorial approach results from a reform adopted more than a year ago in Parliament but the implementation of which turns out to be particularly complex.

The initial reform set the objective of determining the amount of the basic pension for self-employed workers in agricultural professions based on the best 25 years, from January 1, 2026.

But this text, certainly consensual, also left it to the government to decline the technical modalities on the basis of a report examining the different possible paths. Initially expected within three months, this report was eight months late and was not submitted until the beginning of February 2024.

Furthermore, the options retained in this report do not satisfy the Senate and its right and center majority, who believe that all scenarios will result in losers and will be inapplicable from 2026.

It is a provocation which risks fueling anger, said Les Rpublicains senator Philippe Mouiller, assuring that the Senate will not admit any further postponement of the reform, nor its burial.

Mr. Mouiller therefore decided to take the matter in hand by proposing to include his own method of calculation directly in the law, which he assures is fair and equitable and leaves no losers, even if the left has expressed its skepticism.

He advocates the maintenance of a points system, based on a report from the General Inspectorate of Social Affairs (Igas) dating from 2012. This report estimated an average gain of 47.70 euros for the operators concerned.

Before the senators, the Minister of Agriculture Marc Fesneau did not approve this proposal which does not allow convergence with the regime of employees and other independent workers, based on annuities and not points.

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Our objective is to continue our work, to accelerate it, he added, indicating that we have the firm intention of achieving success in the coming days or even weeks, and no more.

There is no assurance that this proposed senatorial law will then be examined by the National Assembly, a preliminary to its adoption in Parliament.

FNSEA impatient

The FNSEA slammed the door on a technical meeting on the Matignon subject on Friday. While the launch of the reform must take place on January 1, 2026, the proposals on the table still postpone its application until 2028, an unacceptable timetable, the union affirmed in a press release.

On pensions now we must decide, reiterated the president of the FNSEA, Arnaud Rousseau, Tuesday after a meeting with Gabriel Attal.

The average monthly pension of non-salaried operators amounted to 840 euros per month at the end of 2021, compared to 1,530 euros for all withdrawals, according to Snat figures.

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