SNCF will “adapt” and give itself until the beginning of January to decline the measure

During his press conference on Monday January 27, the Prime Minister, Jean Castex, announced significant restrictions on the consumption of drinks and food in certain closed public places, in particular in “Public transport, including long distance”, in order to fight against the Covid-19 epidemic.

This measure, which will come into force on January 3, should ensure that travelers wear their masks during the entire trip.

SNCF does not yet want to disclose the measures that will be taken to comply with this rule. “It’s a little too early”, let the World the direction of the national company, which gives itself up to ” early January ” to put in place an arsenal of provisions. However, she lets it be known that she ” adapt to “.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers The TGV, SNCF flagship, damaged by the Covid-19 epidemic

SNCF “cannot put an agent behind each passenger”

Without waiting for the beginning of next year, the SNCF reminds that there is “A captain in each TGV”, but also says that she “Cannot put an agent behind each traveler” to check that he is wearing his mask at all times.

Since the Prime Minister’s announcement on Monday evening, reactions among users have multiplied, on social networks in particular. Some ask if they will have to“Shut up[er] in the toilets for a snack “ during a train journey of around ten hours, and more besides “Hope[ent] even so that the controllers will be understanding ”.

From Monday, and for three weeks, the consumption of drinks and food will also be prohibited in all cinemas, theaters, sports facilities ”, Mr. Castex also announced on Monday. In addition, consumption while standing in cafes and bars will be prohibited.

Read also Covid-19: in bars and cafes, standing consumption prohibited from January 3 for three weeks

“The economic sectors impacted by the decisions that the situation requires us to take will be compensated within the framework of consultations which will be conducted without delay by the Minister of the Economy and Finance, Bruno Le Maire”, added the Prime Minister.

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