Social fraud: the government wants to tackle work stoppages issued by teleconsultation

In an interview at JDDthe Minister of Action and Public Accounts Gabriel Attal unveils several measures planned to better fight against social fraud.

The government wants to de-reimburse work stoppages issued by teleconsultation when these are not issued by the attending physician, announced the Minister for Action and Public Accounts Gabriel Attal in an interview with Sunday newspaper .

These judgments delivered in video by a doctor who is not the attending physician will no longer be reimbursed by Social Security“, declared the minister, lifting the veil on one of the measures of the draft social security budget which will be made public on Monday. Attal motivates this reimbursement “in order to prevent some people from chaining online consultations until they find the one who is willing to issue them sick leave“.

We have seen an explosion of sick leave given, by teleconsultation, by a professional who is not the attending physician. These are nearly 100 million euros last year“explains the tenant of Bercy.

More generally in his interview with JDD, Gabriel Attal insists on the fight against social fraud, a nod to the LR deputies whose vote could be valuable when examining the budgets of the State and Social Security in parliament. Thus the minister promises tostrengthen the powers of cyber-investigators from the Social Security funds“who will be able to”identify a professional who only declares a salaried activity but offers his services as a freelancer on Leboncoin without declaring them…» «Fraudsters will no longer only be fined but will also have to pay their application fees because the French are tired of paying for them“, completes the minister.

Gabriel Attal also emphasizes “VAT fraud” which cost “23 billion euros per yearto the government. To stop this phenomenon, he specifies that the State services will have “the ability to withdraw a company’s VAT number in the event of strong suspicion of fraud“. Among the avenues for reflection is also:electronic invoicing between companies“, which allowed Italy, according to the minister, “to recover 2 billion euros in the first years“.

SEE ALSO – What is the extent of health insurance fraud in France?

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