Societe Generale: a hacker sells the bank’s data on the dark web

Société Générale is the victim of a security breach. On the dark web, a hacker has put up for sale a breach allowing access to the internal data of the French bank. The bank’s security experts are closely monitoring the sale.

According to a survey carried out by Damien Bancal, computer security expert for the Zataz blog, a hacker has just put up for sale access to two banks on the dark web. The name of the first bank was not disclosed by the hacker. According to the announcement, this would be a significant banking infrastructure, which “Weighs billions of dollars”, based in Canada.

The second bank concerned is Société Générale, one of the main French banks. The pirate claims to sell a flaw that allows access to internal data form the bank. By exploiting this breach, it would be possible to seize administrator and employee data.

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Seasoned hacker sells access to Société Générale data

In the announcement, the hacker does not specifically specify which Société Générale sites are accessible thanks to the flaw. Likewise, the hacker does not say which attacks can be deployed with the breach. Either way, the pirate behind the sale is not at its first attempt. According to Zataz, the individual is well known among cybercriminals. He has already put up for sale a loophole giving access to the pharmaceutical group Bayer, a British football club and a company’s server in Sweden.

For the time being, access to internal data has not yet been sold to an Internet user. Fearing the worst, Société Générale asked its Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT), an alert and reaction center for cybersecurity incidents, to investigate. The hacker is closely watched by experts.

It is not uncommon that sensitive information appears on dark web black markets. Recently, a database containing the personal information of 39 million French people was put up for sale to the highest bidder on a black market.

Source: Zataz

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