Solutions 30: wins a contract in Belgium

Unifiber, a joint venture created in July 2021 by Eurofiber and Proximus to deploy a fiber optic network in Wallonia, has selected Solutions 30 to support it in its objective of providing very high speed internet access to more than 600,000 Walloon households here. 2028. Unifiber has set itself the task of accelerating the deployment of fiber optics in Wallonia, by building an access network open to all telecommunications service providers.

To support it in the deployment of this network of the future, Unifiber has selected Solutions 30 as one of its main partners. Solutions 30 benefits from extensive expertise in the deployment of broadband Internet networks, acquired since 2014 in Europe, particularly in France and Spain, countries which already have more than 70% of their territory covered by fiber optics.

Solutions 30 is thus entrusted with the connection of 200,000 Walloon households. The first deployments have already started in Saint Ghislain.

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